بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
In the name of God, the Most Loving, the Most Merciful
Below are some Malay ethnics headpiece. Some of these headdresses are used in everyday lives and some are for special events such as wedding, dancing. To purchase this headdress in ebay, please Click here. The prices are very affordable
The above headpieces are ancient Malay Langkasuka empire headpieces called kecopong used during 1AD. It is adopted by Thai people when the Chinese from southern China immmigrate and intermarry with /invaded the Northern Malays of Langkasuka kingdom. It is worn by Malays when they perform Menora dance.
This is Malay-Srivijaya empire headpiece. Today it is part of Indonesia.
The above is Bajau headdress. They live in Malaysia, Philipine and Indonesia.

The picture above is a Sarawakian Malay bride headdress. Click here to read more about them
Malay Sabahan or Bruneian crown
The above is Bajau headdress. They live in Malaysia, Philipine and Indonesia.

The picture above is a Sarawakian Malay bride headdress. Click here to read more about them
Malay Sabahan or Bruneian crown

The different kinds of Malay-Minangkabau headpieces called sanggul lintang / suntiang. Minangkabau (also known as Minang) is one of the few Malay ethnic community which is matrilineal (descendant line is traced through the mother). They live in Indonesia and Malaysia. They follow Adat Pepatih system of inheritance where descent and succession to the property is traced through females. Some other Malay ethnics who practise matrilineal system are Jarai, Kerinchi, Marshallese, Boyowan, Palauan, Cham,Yapese , E De, many of the Melanesian, Polynesian and Micronesian societies . The Jarai and E De are part of Degar aborigin groups in Vietnam. Degar people are facing prosecution ever since the Vietnamese invaded their country. Picture above is taken from here
Click here to purchase it on ebay .
Minang built the world's largest ancient Buddhist temple , Borobudur, in 9th century in Indonesia during Sailendra Dynasty. They also carved many Buddhist artifact made from gold. You can buy it from Barakat Gallery in USA. Today , Minang are Muslims like most other Malay ethnics.To learn how to put on the Minang crown, Suntiang, please click here
You can Buy the tiara from Dios Astana or click here to buy from ebay
Click here to purchase it on ebay .
Minang built the world's largest ancient Buddhist temple , Borobudur, in 9th century in Indonesia during Sailendra Dynasty. They also carved many Buddhist artifact made from gold. You can buy it from Barakat Gallery in USA. Today , Minang are Muslims like most other Malay ethnics.To learn how to put on the Minang crown, Suntiang, please click here
You can Buy the tiara from Dios Astana or click here to buy from ebay

The above is a headdress of Malay Pattani. The picture above is a representation of Ratu Hijau (Green Queen) of Pattani and her sisters. The picture is taken from a Thai film. Ratu Hijau and her sisters ruled the kingdom between 16th -17th century. The British gave Pattani to Thailand when they colonized the region . The Pattanis today still seek independence from Thailand.
Below is an annual festival in Malaysia called Citrawarna or Colours of Malaysia done every year to promote Malaysia's tourism.Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-religion country with every races preserving thier culture,religion, and languages.Click to enlarge image. Picture is taken from here

Citrawarna or Colours of Malaysia
done every year to promote Malaysia's tourism.Malaysia is a
multi-ethnic, multi-racial,multi-religion,multi-cultural country with every races
preserving thier culture,religion, and languages.Click to enlarge image.
Picture is taken from here

9th century Buddhist carvings in Indonesian temples shows the origin of the crown is from Greco-Buddhist (Greek) influence
The pictures of buddha above can be found on wikipedia and http://www.stutzfamily.com/stutzblog/2012/02/07/mendut-temple/
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