بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Dengan nama Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang
In the name of God, the Most Loving, the Most Merciful
In the name of God, the Most Loving, the Most Merciful
Di sebabkan suami sy campuran Swedish-Jepun, maka saya kurangkan rempah bila masak makanan melayu dan cuba menjepunkan makanan melayu.
Because my husband is mix Swedish-Japanese , I reduce the spices when cooking malay food and try to japanise malay dishes like the rice below.
Cara buat mudah saja.
1)1 cawan beras di masak dengan 3 cawan air.
2)Bila Dah masak dan MASIH PANAS, lenyekkan nasi dengan sudu atau cawan. Jika nasi dibiarkan sejuk kanji pada nasi sudah tidak boleh melekat lagi
3)Kemudian biarkan sejuk sekurang2nya 2 jam di dalam peti ais. Sambil tu gunting daun nori untuk buat smileys.
Bila nasi impit dah sejuk, potong dan susun buat bentuk smiley.
To make it is easy.
1) 1 cup of rice is cooked with 3 cups of water.
2) When it is cooked and still hot, mash the rice with a spoon or a cup. If one waits until the rice is cooled, the starch in the rice will not stick anymore
3) Then, let cool for a minimum of 2 hours in the fridge In the meantime, cut the nori leaf to create smileys.
When the rice has cooled cut and arrange for the smiley.
1) 1 cup of rice is cooked with 3 cups of water.
2) When it is cooked and still hot, mash the rice with a spoon or a cup. If one waits until the rice is cooled, the starch in the rice will not stick anymore
3) Then, let cool for a minimum of 2 hours in the fridge In the meantime, cut the nori leaf to create smileys.
When the rice has cooled cut and arrange for the smiley.
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